Directory Search


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Amanda Acosta
IT Help Desk Technician
Department: ITS
Office:  Wall 120
P.O. Box:  6681
Phone:  (828) 689-1346
Cathy Adkins
University Organist
Choral Accompanist
Department: Music
P.O. Box:  6693
Brad Alban, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance
Department: Allied Health Sciences, Health and Human Performance
Office:  Chambers 207
P.O. Box:  6696
Phone:  (828) 689-1214
Payton Allen
Gifts Officer for Athletics Fundraising
Department: Advancement, Athletics
Office:  Jarvis 300
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1318
Stacey Allen
Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services
Conferences and Events
Department: Auxiliary Services, Conferences & Events
Office:  Spilman 211
P.O. Box:  6785
Phone:  (828) 689-1167
Tim Allen
Director of Facilities
Department: Facilities
Office:  Facilities
P.O. Box:  6697
Phone:  (828) 689-1172
Anthony Ammons
French Horn
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 142
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Chase Ammons
Department: Business Office
Office:  Marshbanks 201A
P.O. Box:  6673
Phone:  (828) 689-1568
Madison Ammons
Mailroom Supervisor
Department: Student Life
Office:  Wren 115
P.O. Box:  0
Phone:  (828) 689-1411
Jeffery Andersen
Associate Professor of Recreation & Sport Management
Department: Business, Recreation & Sport Management
Office:  Ferguson Math & Science 140
P.O. Box:  6767
Phone:  (828) 689-1493
Boyd Austin
Director of Information Technology Services
Department: ITS
Office:  Wall 124
P.O. Box:  6681
Phone:  (828) 689-1242
Beth Babb
Students Accounts Representative
Department: Business Office
Office:  Blackwell 106
P.O. Box:  6673
Phone:  (828) 689-1240
Paul Babelay
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 116
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Curtiss Baker
Athletics Communications Graduate Assistant
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Rick Baker
Director of Athletics
Department: Sports Information
Office:  Ammons Fieldhouse 223
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1373
Eddie Ball
Internal Operations Assistant
Department: Athletics
Office:  Ammons Field House
P.O. Box:  
Kevin Barnette
Assistant Coach: Football
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 132A
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1423
Barrie Barton
Adjunct Business Instructor
Department: Business
P.O. Box:  
Andrew Bednarzik
Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
Department: Psychology
P.O. Box:  
Felice Lopez Bell
Assistant Professor of English
Director of First-Year Composition
Director of the Writing Center
Department: English
Office:  Cornwell 305
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1439
Ryan Bell
Director of First Year Academic Success
Director of Advising
Instructor of General Studies
Department: General Studies, Student Life, Student Success
Office:  Renfro 306
P.O. Box:  6716
Phone:  (828) 689-1381
Carter Benge
Head Cross Country Coach
Assistant Track & Field Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  McConnell 101
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (910) 580-7196
Kristina Blackford
Acquisitions Supervisor
Department: Library
Office:  Renfro 104D
P.O. Box:  6704
Phone:  (828) 689-1452
Matt Blanks
Instructor of Voice
Vocal Area Coordinator
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 102
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Laura Boggess
Instructor of Biology and Environmental Science
Department: Appalachian Studies, Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Zoology
Office:  Wall 321
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1157
Tatum Boggs
Director of Content Management (Athletic Liaison)
Department: Marketing & Communications
Office:  Spilman 207
P.O. Box:  6765
Phone:  828-689-1148
Natalie Boone
Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance
MHU Women's Basketball Growth Coach
MHU CrossFit Director and Faculty Coach
Department: Health and Human Performance
Office:  Chambers 209
P.O. Box:  6696
Phone:  (828) 689-1249
John Brackett
Adjunct Professor - Master of Management
Department: Master of Management
P.O. Box:  
Jeremy Bramlett
Associate Athletic Trainer
Department: Athletic Training
P.O. Box:  
Phillip Brantley, MA, LCMHC, NCC, LCAS-A
University Counselor
Department: Student Health Center, Student Life
P.O. Box:  6687
Phone:  (828) 689-1196
Sherron Bristol
Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Department: Social Work
P.O. Box:  
Tessa Brothers
Eveing Public Services Supervisor
Department: Renfro Library
Office:  Renfro 214B
P.O. Box:  6704
Phone:  (828) 689-1506
Nichole Buckner
Director of Financial Aid
Department: Financial Aid
Office:  Marshbanks 301
P.O. Box:  6686
Phone:  (828) 689-1103
Teresa Buckner
Director of Publications
Department: Marketing & Communications
Office:  Spilman 204
P.O. Box:  6765
Phone:  (828) 689-1304
Dinah Bullman
Bookstore Retail Management Assistant
Department: Bookstore
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6672
Phone:  (828) 689-1248
Sarah Burnette
Admissions Counselor
Department: Admissions
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  828-689-1356
Greta Byrd
Vice President for Advancement
Department: Advancement
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1434
Christopher Cain
Professor of Education
Coordinator for M.Ed, Integrated Ed., and AIG
Director of Center for Engaged Teaching & Learning
NCDPI P-12 Liaison
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 306
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1495
Rodney Caldwell
Professor of Music
Department Chair
Director of Choral Studies
Coordinator of Music Education
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 202
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1431
Thomas Calhoon
Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
Department: Criminal Justice
P.O. Box:  
Philip Carroll
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Office:  Wall 406
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1421
Jared Carter
Director of Strength & Conditioning
Head Weightlifting Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 300
P.O. Box:  
Lucia Carter
Professor of History
Department: History, International Studies
Office:  Cornwell 320
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1199
Grainger Caudle
Professor of Economics
Chair of Business
Senior Director of Planning and Strategy
Department: Business, International Studies, Master of Management
Office:  Day 313
P.O. Box:  6731
Phone:  (828) 689-1127
Beth Cessna
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Department: Business
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6731
Phone:  (828) 689-1226
Karla Chandler
Asst. Mgr. Textbook Coordinator
Department: Bookstore
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6672
Phone:  (828) 689-1412
Jonathan Clancy
Coordinator of Advancement Services
Department: Advancement
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1295
Joy Clifton
Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance
Department: Health and Human Performance
Office:  Chambers 200
P.O. Box:  6696
Phone:  (828) 689-1368
Tim Clifton
Head Coach: Football
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 134C
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1375
Chandler Cone
Adjunct Professor of Accounting
Department: Business
P.O. Box:  
Amber Cook
Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Department: Social Work
P.O. Box:  
Sharon Cook
Part Time Campus Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  (828) 689-1230
Cynthia Cox, MA, LCMHCA, NCC
Director of Counseling Services
Department: Student Health Center, Student Life
Office:  Nash 108
P.O. Box:  6687
Phone:  (828) 689-1272
Isolde Curry
Campus Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  1230
Jonathan Davidson
Campus Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren 318
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  (828) 689-1230
Larry Davis
Head Men's Basketball Coach
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Sabrina Delk
Director, Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership
Department: Entrepreneurial Leadership
Office:  Day 302
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  (828) 689-1105
Wendy Dover
Instruction Librarian
Department: Library
Office:  Renfro 214C
P.O. Box:  
Sara Duarte
Head Coach, Swimming
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 303
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1215
Chris Duncan
Adjunct Professor
Department: Business, Master of Management
Office:  Day 312
P.O. Box:  6761
Phone:  (828) 689-1149
Jonathon Eatmon
Department: Security
P.O. Box:  
Marc Eden, R,N., M.S.(N), P.C.C.N., B.A. 
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences 208
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  828-689-1608
Lora Eggleston
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 303
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1218
Elle Elder
Assistant Athletic Director
Senior Woman Administrator
Director of Compliance
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1595
Marta Escanero Funes
Tennis Graduate Assistant
Department: Athletics
Office:  Ammons
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  828-689-1170
Sue Fair
Associate Professor of Theatre Arts
Department: Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:  Cornwell 217
P.O. Box:  6768
Phone:  (828) 689-1377
Thomas Farman
Admissions Counselor
Department: Admissions
Office:  Blackwell 108
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  828-689-1142
Samantha Fender
Senior Director of Marketing & Communications
Department: Marketing & Communications
Office:  Spilman 200
P.O. Box:  6731
Phone:  (828) 689-1126
Michael Fitschen
Assistant Baseball Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1573
Patricia Flint
Accounting Associate
Department: Business Office
Office:  Marshbanks 201
P.O. Box:  6673
Phone:  (828) 689-1268
Tony Floyd
Department: President's Office
Office:  Marshbanks 303
P.O. Box:  6701
Phone:  (828) 689-1141
Michael Foster
Male Achievement Program Coordinator
Department: Student Life, Student Support Services
Office:  Renfro
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1540
Buffy Fowler
Human Resource Generalist
Title IX Assistant
Department: HR
Office:  Nash 202
P.O. Box:  6667
Phone:  (828) 689-1238
Christian Frabitore
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Department: Chemistry
Office:  Ferguson Math & Science Center 238
P.O. Box:  6679
Phone:  (828) 689-1128
Chelsey Lee Gaddy
Visiting Instructor of Theatre Arts
Program Coordinator, Theatre Arts
Department: Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:  Cornwell 221
P.O. Box:  6768
Phone:  (828) 689-1377
Amy Gerald
Adjunct Faculty
P.O. Box:  6662
Syed Gilani
Adjunct Physics Instructor
Department: Chemistry/Physics
P.O. Box:  
David Gilbert
Associate Professor of History
Department: History
Office:  Cornwell 317
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1117
Marty Gilbert
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Department: Computer Science
Office:  Ferguson Math & Science 141
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1195
Michelle Gilley, Ph.D.
Dean, Division of Natural, Mathematical, and Health Sciences
Program Coordinator of Allied Health Sciences
Associate Professor of Biology
Department: Allied Health Sciences, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Zoology
Office:  Wall 320
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1404
Craig Goforth
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Department Chair
Department: Criminal Justice
Office:  Cornwell 323
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1405
Jeddidiah W.D. Griffin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Department: Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Natural Sciences, Zoology
Office:  Wall 312
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1283
Joanie Grimm
SIP Grant Coordinator
Department: SIP Grant
Office:  Nash 3rd Floor
P.O. Box:  6664
Phone:  (828) 689-1712
John Gripentrog
Professor of History
Dean, Division of Arts & Humanities
Chair, Department of History, Political Science, and Religion & Philosophy
Department: History, International Studies
Office:  Cornwell 203
P.O. Box:  6748
Leigh Allen Guth
Director of Alumni Relations
Department: Advancement, Alumni Relations
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1140
Faris Hadzisadikovic
Campus Visit Coordinator
Department: Admissions
Office:  Ferguson Math & Science Center 146
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1112
Danielle Hagerman
Executive Assistant to the President and Provost
Department: Academic Affairs, President's Office
Office:  Marshbanks 303
P.O. Box:  6761
Phone:  (828) 689-1111
Sandra Hall
Assistant Director of Housing
Department: Residence Life, Student Life
Office:  Wren
P.O. Box:  6712
Phone:  (828) 689-1409
Illysa Hamlin
Visiting Instructor of Psychology
Department: Psychology
P.O. Box:  
Judith Harris
Accessibility Services Coordinator/PT Counselor
Department: Student Health Center, Student Life
Office:  Renfro 309
P.O. Box:  6687
Phone:  (828) 689-1410
Nathan Hayes
Part Time Campus Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  (828) 689-1230
Karen Hedrick
Director of Gift Services
Department: Advancement
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1584
James Heinl
Assistant Professor of Business
Department: Business
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6761
Phone:  (817) 876-2990
Charles Hillin
Assistant Football Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 132A
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1371
Alexandria Holleran
Athletic Communications Graduate Assistant
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Kristie Hollifield
Program Assistant-Humanities & Media Center Specialist
Department: Cornwell Admin. Asst.
Office:  Cornwell 225
P.O. Box:  6681
Phone:  (828) 689-1125
Zach Honeycutt
Head Baseball Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1573
Stefen Howard
Associate Professor of Computer Science & Program
Department: Computer Science
Office:  Ferguson 143
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1323
Robin Howse
Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
Department: Psychology
P.O. Box:  
Amanda Hoyte
Theatre Arts Adjunct Professor
Department: Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:  Cornwell 215
P.O. Box:  6768
Alex Humphrey
Academic Success Coach
Department: SIP Grant, Student Success
Office:  Wren
P.O. Box:  6712
Phone:  (828) 689-1393
Kari Hunt
Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance
Department Chair
Department: Health and Human Performance
Office:  Ferguson 144
P.O. Box:  6767
Phone:  (828) 689-1484
Brooklyn Hunter
Director of Student Activities
Department: Student Life
Office:  McConnell 200A
P.O. Box:  6776
Phone:  (828) 689-1498
Jeff Jamerson
Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren 317A
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  (828) 689-1230
Kerri Jamerson
Instructor of Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Office:  Wall 405
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1424
Steven Jenkins
Adjunct Faculty - Psychology
Department: Psychology
P.O. Box:  
Brett Johnson
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department: Community & Nonprofit Leadership, Sociology
Office:  Founders 109
P.O. Box:  6711
Phone:  (828) 689-1339
Isaiah Jones
Part-Time Security Officer
Department: Security
Office:  Wren 317
P.O. Box:  
Tina Jones
Adjunct Professor of Business
Department: Business
P.O. Box:  
Andrew Juhnke
Assistant Football Coach
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Paul Keener
Adjunct Professor of Political Science
Department: Political Science
P.O. Box:  
Olivia Kincaid
Head Coach – Acrobatics & Tumbling
Department: Athletics
Office:  McConnell 200B
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1714
Amanda Knapp, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Department: Biochemistry, Chemistry
Office:  Ferguson 239
P.O. Box:  6679
Phone:  (828) 689-1403
Anne Knight
Costume Shop Manager
Department: Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:  Spilman
P.O. Box:  6768
Phone:  (828) 689-1462
James Knight
Director of the Career Development Center
Department: Career Development
Office:  Day 208
P.O. Box:  6694
Phone:  (828) 689-1122
Kirby Knight, BS, CADC-I
Recovery Program Coordinator
Department: Student Health Center, Student Life
Office:  Nash
P.O. Box:  6687
Phone:  (828) 689-1188
Dan Koster
Reference & Public Services Librarian
Department: Library
Office:  Renfro 322
P.O. Box:  6704
Phone:  (828) 689-1454
Bryan Kraak
Instructor of Trumpet
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 118
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Carolyn Kuzell
Associate Director of Admissions
Department: Admissions
Office:  Blackwell 111
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1589
Jonna Kwiatkowski, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Psychology and Social Sciences Program Chair
Department: Art Therapy, Psychology
Office:  Founders 205
P.O. Box:  6702
Phone:  (828) 689-1331
Min-Jeong Kwon
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Department: Business, Master of Management
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6761
Phone:  (828) 689-1178
Lauren Larson
Student Support Services Administrative Assistant
Department: Student Life, Student Support Services
Office:  Renfro 205
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1138
Kayti Ledford
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Department: Criminal Justice
Office:  Cornwell 318
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1293
Kristine Lee, Ph.D.
Instructor of Record, English | FYS | GE
Student Support and Pre-Nursing Advisor
Department: English, General Studies, Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences 202
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  828-689-1661
Jamie Liebman
Adjunct Faculty: First Year Composition
Department: English
P.O. Box:  
Kristina Llanes
SSS Program Coordinator
Department: Student Life, Student Support Services
Office:  Renfro 205
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1464
Nichole Long
Adjunct Professor of Business
Department: Business
P.O. Box:  6662
Scott Lowrey
Professor of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 309
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1455
Kweilin Lucas
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
M.A.C.J. Program Coordinator
Department: Criminal Justice
Office:  Cornwell 315
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1500
Charla Lunsford
Administrative Assistant to the Registrar
Department: Registrar's Office
Office:  Marshbanks 202
P.O. Box:  6703
Phone:  (828) 689-1151
Stephen Maag
Academic Success Coach
Department: SIP Grant, Student Success
Office:  Wren 305
P.O. Box:  6712
Phone:  (828) 689-1479
Stephen Mace
Director of Infrastructure and Network Operations
Department: ITS
Office:  Wall 122
P.O. Box:  6681
Phone:  (828) 689-1422
Ethan Mannon
Associate Professor of English
Honors Program Director
Department: Appalachian Studies, English, Ramsey Center
Office:  Cornwell 306
P.O. Box:  6723
Phone:  (828) 689-1189
Sherry Martin
Administrative Assistant to VP of Student Life
Department: Student Life
Office:  Wren 307
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  (828) 689-1253
Jennie Matthews
Director of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
Adjunct Professor of Business
Department: Business, HR, Title IX
Office:  Nash 103
P.O. Box:  6664
Phone:  (828) 689-1197
Josh Matthews
Director of Gameday Operations
Assistant Compliance Director
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers Gym 120
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1219
Robert McCarson
Instructor of Spanish
Department: MFL
Office:  Cornwell 314
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1130
Jonathan McCoy
Director of the Center for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Instructor of History
Department: History
Office:  Cornwell 316 and Renfro Library Room 202
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  828-689-1366 and 828-689-1508
Hal McDonald
Professor of English
Department: English
Office:  Cornwell 209
P.O. Box:  6754
Phone:  (828) 689-1234
Virginia McKnight
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 200
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Stephanie McLeskey
University Chaplain
Department: Chaplain
Office:  Bentley 101
P.O. Box:  6675
Phone:  (828) 689-1299
Serena McMillan
Assistant Professor of Religion and Program Coordinator of Religion and Philosophy
Department: Religion & Philosophy
Office:  Cornwell 219
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1184
Anita Melton
Director of the Mars Hill Scholarship Fund
Department: Advancement
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1435
Shane Mickey
Associate Professor of Art
Chair, Fine Arts
Director, Mars Hill Center for Ceramic Arts
Interim Chair, Theatre Arts
Department: Art, Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:   Room 314 Moore Hall
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1224
Kenya Miles
Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Department: Social Work
P.O. Box:  
Dallas Moffat
Assistant Coach for BMC and Spirit Teams
Department: Athletics, Bailey Mountain Cloggers
P.O. Box:  
Christie Moldovan
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences Center
P.O. Box:  6678
Amber Molnar
Assistant Dean of Students
Director of Residence Life
Department: Residence Life, Student Life
Office:  Wren 308
P.O. Box:  6787
Phone:  (828) 689-1744
Alexis Montgomery
Associate Athletic Trainer: Health and Safety Coordinator
Department: Athletic Training
Office:  Chambers 117
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1108
Maria Moreno
Professor of French
Director of Global Learning
Department: MFL
Office:  Cornwell 310
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1191
Bridget Morton
Director of Teaching with Primary Sources
Assistant Professor of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education, TPS
Office:  Nash 309
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1181
Brady Moyers
Football - Wide Receiver Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Ammons 211
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  828-689-1174
Kara Mugrage
VA Certifying Official
Department: Registrar's Office
Office:  Marshbanks
P.O. Box:  6703
Phone:  828-689-1151
Kevin Mulhall
Director of Libraries
Department: Library
Office:  Renfro
P.O. Box:  6704
Phone:  828-689-1561
Gregg Munn
Head Coach, Men's Soccer
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 106
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1227
Deborah Myers
Director of the Center for Community Engagement
Department: Community & Nonprofit Leadership, Community Engagement
Office:  Wall 209A
P.O. Box:  6677
Phone:  (828) 689-1161
Courtney Nall
Associate Athletic Trainer
Department: Athletic Training
P.O. Box:  
Keith Nesbitt, B.S.N., M.S., R.N.
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences Center
P.O. Box:  6678
Amanda Nicholson
Career Planning & Development Associate
Department: Career Development
Office:  Day 208
P.O. Box:  6694
Phone:  (828) 689-1736
Andrew Nicholson
Admissions Counselor
Department: Admissions
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  828-689-1142
Jamie Nickell
Head Esports Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Ferguson 133
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  (828) 689-1510
Kelly Ottie, Ph.D., LAT, ATC
Associate Athletic Trainer
Instructor of Allied Health Sciences
Department: Allied Health Sciences, Athletics
Office:  Chambers 113
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1217
Karen Paar
Director of Southern Appalachian Archives & University Archivist
Department: Ramsey Center
Office:  Renfro 205A
P.O. Box:  6706
Phone:  (828) 689-1262
Kris Pack
Assistant Registrar for Reporting & Research
Department: Registrar's Office
Office:  Marshbanks 202
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  (828) 689-1505
Tracy Parkinson, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President and Provost
Department: Academic Affairs, President's Office
Office:  Marshbanks 303
P.O. Box:  
Donna Boone Parsons, PhD
Associate Provost for Adult and Graduate Studies
Dean, Division of Professional Studies and Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Business
Department: AGS, Business, Master of Management
Office:  Day 314
P.O. Box:  6731
Phone:  (828) 689-1132
Laurie Pedersen
Adjunct Faculty
P.O. Box:  
Chuck Phifer
Assistant Coach Football
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 132C
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1374
Danielle Plimpton
Director of Bailey Mountain Cloggers
Department: Bailey Mountain Cloggers
Office:  McConnell 102
P.O. Box:  6717
Phone:  (828) 689-1113
Sophie Poost
Administrative Assistant to VP of Student Life
Office:  Wren 307
P.O. Box:  6712
Phone:  828-689-1253
Elizabeth Porter
Assistant Professor of Economics
Department: Business
Office:  Day Hall
P.O. Box:  6761
Midori Powell
Associate Athletic Trainer
Department: Athletic Training
Office:  Ammons 110
P.O. Box:  
Phone:  828-689-1245
Quentin Powell
Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Department: Social Work
P.O. Box:  
Mandy Proffitt
Information & Applications Manager
Department: Admissions
Office:  Blackwell 112
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1202
Christiaan Ramsey
Assistant Professor of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 308
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1401
Holly Rawcliffe
Asst. Women's Soccer Coach
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  828-689-1171
Kimberly Reigle
Professor of English
Department: English, Interdisciplinary Studies, Ramsey Center
Office:  Cornwell 311
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1233
Jennifer Rhinehart
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Office:  Wall 403
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1453
Jennifer Roberts, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Department: Biochemistry, Chemistry
Office:  Ferguson Math & Science Center 240
P.O. Box:  6679
Phone:  (828) 689-1330
Marc Roberts
Major Gifts Officer
Department: Advancement
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1457
Rohde, Skip
Curator Weizenblatt Gallery of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 209
P.O. Box:  6693
Misty Rondeau
Assistant Professor
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 116
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1107
Andrea Rose, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Department: Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Zoology
Office:  Wall 315
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1420
Jonathan Rose
Associate Professor of Political Science
Department: Political Science
Office:  Founders 111
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1338
Dave Rozeboom
Vice President for Student Development
Department: Master of Management, Residence Life, Student Life
Office:  Wren 301
P.O. Box:  6712
Phone:  (828) 689-1250
Denise Samide
Executive Assistant for Advancement
Department: Advancement, Alumni Relations
Office:  Jarvis House
P.O. Box:  336
Phone:  (828) 689-1102
Jonathan Sarratt
Assistant Coach: Football
Department: Athletics
Office:  Chambers 116
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1372
Allen Shelley
Director of Athletic Training/ Assistant Professor
Department: Athletic Training
Office:  Chambers 208
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1176
Sharon Shepard, Ph.D., R.N.
Director, Judge-McRae School of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences Center 210
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  (828) 689-1610
Roger Slagle
Adjunct Professor of Business
Department: Business, Master of Management
Office:  Marshbanks 20
P.O. Box:  
Jason Slaughter
Jazz Ensemble
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 120
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1107
Mike Smith
Head Volleyball Coach
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Nicole Soper Gorden, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Department: Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Zoology
Office:  Wall 314
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1291
Gary Spence
Folk Guitar
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 144
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1209
Kelly Spencer, PhD, LCMHCS, ATR-BC
Assistant Professor
Coordinator of Art Therapy Program
Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies Program
Department: Art Therapy, Psychology
Office:  Founders 207
P.O. Box:  6702
Phone:  (828) 689-1334
Renee Sprinkle, RN
Director of Medical Services
Department: Student Health Center, Student Life
Office:  Wellness Center (Nash)
P.O. Box:  6687
Phone:  (828) 689-1243
Griffin Stechmiller
Assistant Coach Men's Lacrosse
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Laura Steil
Professor of Mathematics
Department Chair of Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Office:  Wall 408
P.O. Box:  6691
Phone:  (828) 689-1168
Susan Stigall
Professor of Education & Chair of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 303
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1177
Caleb Strother
Associate Athletic Trainer
Department: Athletic Training
Office:  Chambers 126
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1266
Liz Zlot Summerfield
Adjunct Instructor, Ceramics, Intro to Art, 3-D Design
Department of Fine Arts
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 305
P.O. Box:  6693
Teresa Sumpter
Associate Professor of Music
Keyboard Area Coordinator
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 205
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1308
M. Paige Taylor
Adjunct Instructor of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 305
P.O. Box:  
Ashley Thomas
Adjunct Professor of Business
Department: Business
P.O. Box:  
Mike Thornhill
Director of Communications
Department: Marketing & Communications
Office:  Spilman 206
P.O. Box:  6765
Phone:  (828) 689-1298
Brian Tinkel
Professor of Music
Instrumental Area Coordinator
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 114
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1588
Emry Tsitouris
Head Women's Basketball Coach
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Donna Turner
SSS Academic Coordinator
Department: Student Life, Student Support Services
Office:  Renfro 205
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1138
Caroline Twiggs
Assistant Director of the Center for Community Engagement
Department: Community & Nonprofit Leadership, Community Engagement
Office:  Wall 209B
P.O. Box:  6677
Phone:  (828) 689-1297
Karyn Van Etten
Administrative Assistant, Fine Arts Division
Department: Art, Fine Arts, Music
Office:  Moore 209A
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1209
Kristie Vance
Director of Admissions
Department: Admissions
Office:  Blackwell 109
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1353
Simone Vigilante
Department: Music
Office:  Moore 102
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  828-689-1131
Beth Vogler
Chair of the Department of Social Work
Department: Social Work
Office:  Founders
P.O. Box:  6708
Phone:  (828) 689-1303
Lisa Wachtman
Senior Director of Student Persistence
Department: Student Life, Student Success
Office:  Renfro Library 305
P.O. Box:  6716
Phone:  (828) 689-1480
Yvette Walker
Adjunct Instructor of Language & Literature
Department: English
P.O. Box:  
Adrienne Akins Warfield
Professor of English
Department: English
Office:  Cornwell 309
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1136
Leila Weinstein
Program Coordinator: Appalachian Studies Minor and Ramsey Center
Lunsford Festival Director
Department: Appalachian Studies, Ramsey Center
Office:  Renfro 205
P.O. Box:  6706
Phone:  (828) 689-1115
Kevin West
Director of Safety and Security
Department: Security
Office:  Wren 316
P.O. Box:  6676
Phone:  (828) 689-1585
Cynthia Whitt
Senior Business Analyst
Department: ITS
Office:  Wall 120
P.O. Box:  6681
Phone:  (828) 689-1428
Christopher Whitten
Visitors Services Attendant Curitorial Assistant
Department: Rural Heritage Museum
Office:  Montague
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1400
Abby Wilkerson
Admissions Counselor
Department: Admissions
Office:  Ferguson/Wall
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1392
Adam Williams
Director of Athletic Communications
Department: Sports Information
Office:  Chambers 113
P.O. Box:  6668
Phone:  (828) 689-1363
Justin Williams, OTD, MSOT, OTR/L, DCS, CDP
Assistant Professor of Allied Health Sciences
Department: Allied Health Sciences
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences Center
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  (828) 689-1609
Roderica Williams
Associate Vice President for Student Success
Director of Student Support Services
Department: Student Life, Student Support Services
Office:  Renfro Library 205A
P.O. Box:  6705
Phone:  (828) 689-1465
Jaxsen Wirth
Men's Soccer Graduate Assistant
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
J.T. Womack
Director of Bands
Assistant Professor of Music
Department: Music
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1209
Tammy Woody
Financial Aid Counselor
Department: Financial Aid
Office:  Marshbanks 301
P.O. Box:  6663
Phone:  (828) 689-1288
Bo Wright
VP for Finance and Administration
Department: Business Office
Office:  Marshbanks 201
P.O. Box:  6673
Phone:  828) 689-1100
Andrea Yontz, M.S.N., B.S.N., R.N.
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences 206
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  828-689-1604
Michael Youngwood, D.N.P., M.S.N., B.S.N., R.N.
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Department: Nursing
Office:  Ferguson Health Sciences 210
P.O. Box:  6678
Phone:  828-689-1626
Chloe Zador
Women's Lacrosse Coach
Department: Athletics
P.O. Box:  
Robert Zinna, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Department: Biomedical Sciences, Ecology & Conservation Biology, Natural Sciences, Zoology
Office:  Wall 322
P.O. Box:  6671
Phone:  (828) 689-1322