
Craig Goforth
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Department Chair
Department: Criminal Justice
Office:  Cornwell 323
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1405
  • B.A., University of North Carolina at Asheville, 1982
  • M.Ed., Western Carolina University, 1994
  • Ph.D., Northcentral University, 2010

Curriculum Vitae


“Police History.” Craig Goforth and Barbara Sims, in the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Wesley Jennings (ed.) 2014, Wiley-Blackwell.

“Radical/Marxist Theories of Crime.” With Barbara Sims in Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Publishers, Edited by Ruth Triplett, 2016 (revised).

Research Interests:

The constitutionality of Public v. Private Prisons.
Free Speech rights on US Public and Private Universities.
Ethical problems in Policing.
Forensics: with an emphasis on paper/media crimes and crimes dealing with obtaining property by false pretense and Entomology specifically with the blow fly and the PMI.
Victimology and the Crime Triangle.
The Current and changing state of the Miranda Rulings.
The Art and process of competent interviewing and interrogations by criminal investigators.
Crime scene processing.