Transcript Requests

Transcript Requests

To request a transcript, please submit the form linked below, or do so with a signed and scanned transcript request form e-mailed to: Please note that transcript requests must be include the signature of the student. Telephone requests and e-mails without the scanned request form are not acceptable.

Compete the online request form here.

Transcript requests must include the following information:

  • Full name (and name used when enrolled, if different)
  • Social security number and/or student ID number
  • Mailing address(es) to which the transcript(s) will be sent
  • Signature

Registrar’s Office
Mars Hill University
PO Box 6703
Mars Hill, NC 28754

The cost for a mailed-in request is $15. Walk-in requests and fax requests are also $15 per copy. Requests are usually handled within five business days. Fees for requests made via fax may be remitted by credit card provided that the fax includes the name that appears on the card; the card type (MasterCard, Visa or Discover card), number, and expiration date; V-Code and a daytime phone number.