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As an independent university, Mars Hill depends heavily upon the support of alumni and friends in order to upgrade facilities, enhance educational programs, maintain a faculty of the highest caliber, and still educate students at costs they can afford.
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We send a monthly e-newsletter, and can update you when alumni events are happening in your area. Sign up below to stay connected!
Mars Hill: The Magazine of Mars Hill University is the latest iteration of MHU’s publication for alumni and friends of the institution. It builds on the legacy set forth by the Mars Hill Quarterly, Emphasis, and From These Stones, with a focus on informing those with direct connections to Mars Hill, as well as the general public, about the exciting things happening on campus and with our alumni around the world.
Now you can look back through past editions of the Laurel, Mars Hill University’s yearbook, online. Thanks to the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center, the 1917 Laurel and all editions from 1927 to 2016 are available to browse online. See the yearbooks.
Digital copies of the Hilltop also are available through the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center.
C. Robert Jones has prepared many interviews over the past 20 years with Mars Hill influencers. You can check out “The Memories Collection” here.