
Art Faculty

Lora Eggleston
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 303
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1218
Scott Lowrey
Professor of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 309
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1455
Email:  slowrey@mhu.edu
Shane Mickey
Associate Professor of Art
Chair, Fine Arts
Director, Mars Hill Center for Ceramic Arts
Interim Chair, Theatre Arts
Department: Art, Fine Arts, Theatre Arts
Office:   Room 314 Moore Hall
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1224
Email:  dmickey@mhu.edu
Rohde, Skip
Curator Weizenblatt Gallery of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 209
P.O. Box:  6693
Liz Zlot Summerfield
Adjunct Instructor, Ceramics, Intro to Art, 3-D Design
Department of Fine Arts
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 305
P.O. Box:  6693
M. Paige Taylor
Adjunct Instructor of Art
Department: Art, Fine Arts
Office:  Moore 305
P.O. Box:  
Karyn Van Etten
Administrative Assistant, Fine Arts Division
Department: Art, Fine Arts, Music
Office:  Moore 209A
P.O. Box:  6693
Phone:  (828) 689-1209