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CJ 500. ADVANCED CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Provides an analysis of the research and critiques of the major theories of crime causation. Prerequisites: admission to program or permission of program.
CJ 501. QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3) Quantitative methods and techniques of research design and implementation for theory and crime causation. Prerequisites: to be taken concurrently with CJ 503, permission of program.
CJ 502. PUBLIC POLICY AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM (3) Studies the concepts and processes of political and legal activity within the criminal justice system and their impact on society. Prerequisites: admission to program or permission of program.
CJ 503. ADVANCED STATISTICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3) Provides a firm basis of knowledge in statistical analysis using examples from the field of criminal justice and criminology. Prerequisites: to be taken concurrently with CJ 501, permission of program.
CJ 504. CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (3) Provides modern management theory, administration, and research in criminal justice as applied to criminal justice organizations. Prerequisite: permission of program.
CJ 510. CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES IN POLICE ADMINISTRATION (3) Discusses application of police research and management principles to the contemporary policing context. Prerequisite: Permission of program.
CJ 564. ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF CORRECTIONS (3) This course addresses historical and contemporary correctional policy, accountability, and possible remedial alternatives. Prerequisite: Permission of program.
CJ 565. COURTS IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM (3) An analysis of the function and role of the courts and the personnel involved in the American criminal justice system. Prerequisite: Permission of program.
CJ 567. JUVENILE JUSTICE: ISSUES AND PRACTICE (3) This course is a systematic analysis of the juvenile justice system and issues related to juvenile delinquency and constitutional law. Prerequisite: permission of program.
CJ 568. QUALITATIVE METHODS (3) This course is for students wishing to conduct original research, implement qualitative research design, and enhance quantitative skills. Prerequisite: permission of program
CJ 590. CRIMINAL JUSTICE COLLOQUIUM (1-3) This course offers in depth study on a small group level or individually into a specific topic related to Criminal Justice. Prerequisites: admission to program.
CJ 594. RESEARCH TOPICS (1-6) Supervised student activities on research projects on an individual basis. Prerequisite: admission to program.
CJ 595. INTERNSHIP (3 or 6) This course will be a supervised field experience in the discipline. A student may sign up for a maximum of 280 field hours (3 credits) or for a maximum of 560 hours (6 credit hours). Prerequisites: 6 graduate credits in Criminal Justice or permission of program.
CJ 596. INDEPENDENT STUDY (3) Creative projects, including research and design, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses. The student will obtain written approval of a faculty member prior to registration. Prerequisites: CJ 500 or permission of program.
CJ 600. THESIS PREPARATION (6) on campus. Prerequisites: completion of required courses and permission of program.
CJ 610. THESIS PREPARATION (6) off-campus