Title IX

Responsible Employees

Under the MHU Title IX Policy on Sex/Gender Harassment, Discrimination and Misconduct any university employee who is not identified as a Confidential Resource is considered a “Responsible Employee” (commonly referred to as a Mandated Reporter) and is required to promptly report sexual harassment, sexual violence or any other conduct prohibited by the Title IX Policy to the Title IX Coordinator.

Responsible Employees include staff, administrators, faculty, academic advisors, coaches and trainers, and employees in Student Life—this includes RAs. In order to make informed choices, it is important to be aware of confidentiality and mandatory reporting requirements when consulting campus resources. Responsible Employees should disclose to those who may report or have reported harassment that you are mandated to report information to the Title IX Office.

All employees receive mandatory Title IX training through Safe Colleges. Be sure to stop by the Title IX Office to pick up your Responsible Employee sticker after completing your training to display in your work space.

Are you a faculty member? Consider putting our QR code and a brief summary of Title IX in your syllabus: e.g.:

Members of the MHU community, guests, and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of sex and gender-based harassment, discrimination, and related misconduct. The university’s Title IX Policy prohibits all forms of sex and gender-based misconduct, including but not limited to sex and gender-based harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. For more information or to make a report regarding a violation of the Title IX Policy please contact Title IX Coordinator Jennie Matthews (office: Nash 209, phone: 828-689-1197, email: jmatthews@mhu.edu) or visit the Title IX website: