Meet with Title IX Office Once a report has been made, the Title IX Office will reach out to the Complainant to offer Support Resources. Information will be shared about the Title IX Process and the options for addressing the complaint, including filing a Formal Report and Informal Resolution.
Offer Supportive Measures At any point either party may request supportive measures. The Title IX Office will provide supportive measures to any party regardless if a Formal Complaint is filed. Learn more about Supportive Measures available here.
Formal Complaint If the Complainant wishes to file a Formal Complaint, they may do so via email, mail, or in-person by completing the Formal Complaint Form. A Formal Complaint may be filed by an employee or student who is currently employed or attending Mars Hill University. In rare instances the Title IX Coordinator may file a Formal Complaint as it pertains to Policy Procedures. If a Formal Complaint is filed, allegations of the complaint will be issued to the Responding Individual and an investigation will begin.
Investigation Investigators will reach out to all parties, including witnesses for an interview; the investigators will also gather any physical or digital evidence. This is an opportunity for all parties to answer questions and share their experience. Complainants and Respondents have the right to have an Advisor present at any and all Title IX related meetings/investigative interviews/hearings.
Investigative Report Following the conclusion of all investigative interviews, a preliminary investigative report will be issued to the Complaint and Respondent. Each party will have (10) calendar days to review the document and submit written comments and additional evidence. Once the 10-day review period has passed, the investigators will issue a formal investigative report to both parties 10 days prior to the scheduled hearing date.
Hearing A hearing will be scheduled for both parties to present evidence and for established Advisors to conduct any cross-examination. The hearing will take place via Zoom. A panel of Hearing Officers (separate from the investigators and Title IX Coordinator) will review the formal investigative reports and hear all evidence.
Determination Once the hearing is concluded, the Hearing Panel will meet to make a determination of responsibility, based on the “preponderance of the evidence” standard. The Title IX Coordinator will send a copy of the panel’s determination to each party via certified mail and via email.
Appeal Process Following the issuance of a determination, both parties have 10 calendar days to appeal the outcome. The Appellate Officer is not the same person as the Hearing Panel, Investigators, or Title IX Coordinator.