Parent Information

Parent and Guardian Information

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the dues association with joining an organization?

Each fraternity and sorority sets its own budget which will dictate the cost of dues; therefore dues will vary for each organization. The collection of dues enables the fraternity or sorority to host various events on campus as well as pay dues to national organizations, if applicable. Remind your students to get more information from the individual chapters are considering joining during the recruitment/intake process.

Will members be living in a house?

Currently, no organization will own or rent a house or facility on/off campus for housing. Each organization has access to University buildings/spaces for meetings, events, etc.

How much emphasis is placed on academics?

Fraternities and sororities pride themselves in having outstanding scholarship due to the importance placed on academics. All members must maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in order to remain in good standing with the Office of Campus Engagement and Leadership.

How should I support my student who is wishing to join a fraternity or sorority?

Joining a fraternity or sorority is a lifelong commitment that continues well after graduating college. Support your student by ensuring that they are asking questions during the recruitment/intake process and truly learning about the expectations of members. Here are some great questions to encourage your student to ask:

  • What do membership dues pay for?
  • What is the time commitment?
  • Do you offer payment plans?
  • What leadership opportunities are available to new and active members?

Can athletes join?

Yes, athletes are encouraged to join fraternities or sororities to become more involved on campus and broaden their experiences. There are not restrictions from athletes joining Greek organizations as long as they are able to attend and participate in required events.

How will the University handle any type of hazing?

No organization, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. All members of an organization are subject to the provisions concerning hazing in the MHU Code of Conduct. Students should be aware that hazing is a misdemeanor under North Carolina state law. See North Carolina General Statute § 14 35. Any student that experiences or witnesses hazing of any kind is encouraged to submit a confidential Hazing Report form. (

Hazing as defined by MHU’s Code of Conduct:

Hazing is broadly defined as any activity expected of someone joining a group or to maintain status within a group that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional or physical harm regardless of willingness of the individuals to participate.