COVID-19 Dashboard


The dashboard will not be updated over the summer. This page was last updated on May 24, 2022. 

The list below represents Mars Hill University faculty, staff or students who have cases of COVID-19 confirmed through MHU Student Health Services and have been present on campus in the previous two weeks.

The list does not include individuals who may have confirmed cases but have not reported to campus in the past 14 days.

In accordance with FERPA and HIPAA, Mars Hill University will not disclose information about any individuals of a personally identifying nature.

New Positive COVID-19 Cases Among: Number of new positive cases
MHU Students 0
MHU Employees 0

Note: This number represents the total number of new positive cases involving faculty, staff and students. Individuals who have tested positive are in isolation and receiving proper medical care.

Positive COVID-19 Cases as of 05/24/2022
Active Cumulative
MHU Students 0 135
MHU Employees 0 35

Note: This number represents the cumulative number of positive cases involving individuals who have been on campus since August 2, 2021. Not all cases are active. Individuals who have tested positive are in isolation and receiving proper medical care.


Self-Isolation and Self-Quarantine
(per university instructions)
Off-Campus On-Campus Total
Students 0 0 0
Employees 0 0 0


Our contact tracers will identify and contact anyone defined as a close contact per current CDC recommendations to proceed with quarantine/isolation as necessary.

View the archived ’20-’21 dashboard.