
Daily Schedule for 2020 Roots of American Music Week

Daily Schedule for 2020 Roots of American Music Week


2:00pm to 4:30pm – Check-in for program and housing

5:00pm to 6:30pm – Dinner

6:15pm – Walking Campus History Tour

7:00pm – Orientation in Chapel, Meet and Greet will be afterwards

Monday thru Friday

7:00 to 8:30am – Breakfast

9:00 to 10:20am – Class A

10:30am to 11:50pm – Class B

12:00 to 1:00pm – Lunch

1:15 to 2:15pm – Writers Circle or Benedict Turner (Roots Percussion)

2:30 to 3:50pm – Class C

4:15pm to 5:15pm – Instructor spotlight

5:30 to 6:30pm – Dinner

After Dinner: M-W

7:00 to 8:15pm – Jamming

8:00 to 10:00pm – Open Mic

Thursday  8:00 to 10:00pm   Instructors Concert

Friday will be Student Showcase @ 4:15

Students will be able to choose 1 class per time slot to attend M-F. Below are the choices

Class A: Close Harmony (Leigh and McKay);  Introduction to Improvisation (Joel Savoy); Cajun Accordion Technique and Songs (Wilson Savoy);  Fingerpicking for Country Blues Guitar (Valerie Turner)

Class B: Let’s Sing the Blues (Valerie Turner),  Cajun Fiddle (Joel Savoy),  Mainland Uke (Lightnin Wells),  Beyond Rhythm Guitar – The Frosting on the Musical Cake (Noel McKay)

Class C: The Evolution of Singing in Twentieth Century Country Music (Brennen Leigh);  Jugband (Mick Kinney);  Boogie Woogie Blues Piano (Wilson Savoy);  Piedmont Guitar (Lightnin Wells)