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A Returning Student is a student that previously attended Mars Hill University but left and was not enrolled for at least one semester. In order to return to the university, please follow the steps listed below:
1. Complete and submit an Application for Admission for Returning Students (below).
2. If you have attended any other institutions since leaving MHU, please request that official copies of all College/University Transcripts be sent to Mars Hill University.
3. Confirm with the Admissions Office that your prior documents are still on file with MHU (final high school transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, college/university transcripts). If documents are not on file, you will be required to submit these documents again.
4. When the Admissions Office receives all required items listed above, your admission file is “complete,” and the review process begins.
5. Your Admissions Counselor will notify you regarding your readmission to MHU.
6. Complete the FAFSA for the academic year you are planning to re-enroll.
7. Submit your $250 Advance Tuition Payment. This payment will allow your new student housing and meals account to be created. Watch your email for a link to log in to your new account. All freshman and sophomore students must live and eat on campus, unless they meet commuter student requirements. If you meet commuter student requirements, submit your $250 Advance Tuition Payment. This payment will allow your Commuter Account and Meals plan account to be created.
If you are a Returning Student that left MHU on academic suspension, complete 1-7 above, and also complete the following checklist.
1. Complete the Academic Suspension Appeal Form
2. Submit at least one letter of recommendation from a Mars Hill University faculty member that has had you in at least one class, and is in support of your return to MHU. (This should be emailed from the faculty member, directly to Kristie Vance, Director of Admissions, at kvance@mhu.edu). One letter is required, but two letters are preferable.
3. Optional: Submit a letter of recommendation from an employer, supervisor, or community member supporting your return to MHU. (This should be emailed from the individual writing the letter, directly to Kristie Vance, Director of Admissions, at kvance@mhu.edu).