Directory Search
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Ryan Bell
Director of First Year Academic Success
Director of Advising
Instructor of General Studies
Department: General Studies, Student Life, Student Success
Office: Renfro 306
P.O. Box: 6716
Phone: (828) 689-1381
Alex Humphrey
Academic Success Coach
Department: SIP Grant, Student Success
Office: Wren
P.O. Box: 6712
Phone: (828) 689-1393
Stephen Maag
Academic Success Coach
Department: SIP Grant, Student Success
Office: Wren 305
P.O. Box: 6712
Phone: (828) 689-1479
Lisa Wachtman
Senior Director of Student Persistence
Department: Student Life, Student Success
Office: Renfro Library 305
P.O. Box: 6716
Phone: (828) 689-1480