Directory Search
Enter the name of the person you would like to search. If you would like to do a directory search, make sure the “name” block is empty and scroll through the departments.
Charla Lunsford
Administrative Assistant to the Registrar
Department: Registrar's Office
Office: Marshbanks 202
P.O. Box: 6703
Phone: (828) 689-1151
Stephen Maag
Assistant Registrar
Department: Registrar's Office
Office: Marshbanks 202
P.O. Box: 6703
Phone: (828) 689-1152
Kara Mugrage
VA Certifying Official
Department: Registrar's Office
Office: Marshbanks
P.O. Box: 6703
Phone: 828-689-1151
Kris Pack
Assistant Registrar for Reporting & Research
Department: Registrar's Office
Office: Marshbanks 202
P.O. Box:
Phone: (828) 689-1505