I hope you’ve had a good and restful break and are ready and excited to start spring semester at MHU.

Some important information to take note of:

Check-in is REQUIRED for all continuing students. Please see below for your check-in times based on your circumstances.

A) If you are registered for spring classes, you may report directly to your residence hall between noon and 8:00 pm to check in with an RA and to get your keys.


B) IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED FOR SPRING CLASSES, you MUST come to the Caf between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Sunday, January 15. You will NOT be allowed to move into your residence hall until you clear stops and register for class.

IF YOU HAVE A CRITICAL STOP ON YOUR ACCOUNT, including a Critical Balance Stop or Critical Financial Aid Stop (missing critical information that will not allow you to get financial aid)(please check in Self-Service), you MUST come prepared to make a payment to get your balance BELOW $1,000.00. You may contact Beth Babb at to discuss arrangements. You may make payments over the phone by calling 828-689-1100. You will NOT be allowed to move into your residence hall until you get your balance under $1,000.00.

You will be greeted and directed as to how to check-in at that time. The following offices will be available for your convenience:

  • Business Office (for payments)
  • Financial Aid—questions or things you may need to attend to about your aid, loans, paperwork, etc.
  • Center for Student Success—to assist you with registration if you have NOT yet registered and to answer questions about schedule changes/academic issues
  • Contact Now—to verify/update your cell phone number (especially necessary for inclement weather)

There will be two lines for dinner in the caf for that evening—one with traditional dinner food and one that will be serving breakfast food including BACON! One night only!

Please direct any GENERAL questions about the process to Lisa Wachtman at

We look forward to seeing you back on the Hill!